【English】How to change yourself?


Here is my draft. Please read it.

【How to change yourself?】

Do you want to change yourself?
For example, to become optimistic, or to be on a diet with yourself.

Many people had decided to change themselves everyday.
But, a decision is the least effective.

Today, I am going to talk about “how to change yourself”.

If you are absolutely satisfied with yourself, you don’t need today’s topic. But if you want to change yourself, you may find hint from today’s topic.

This is my experience.

I was able to change myself from passive to active.
I was very passive until last year. And I hated it.
I had never made a drinking session with my coworker.
Of course, I had never planned a travel. I just followed my friend.
I always desired to become an active person.

This year I changed myself. I became an active person.
I made many events. I gathered many people.
For example, I made a dance workshop, I made a book café event, I made a travel event and I started to travel around the world.

Why did I change? There’s only one reason
and that’s because “Mostly of my time was spent with my ideal people”.
I always have time with the active people now than before.

One year ago, I helped an educational event. The sponsors were very active. They were very optimistic also.

I think being active is normal. They can do it, so I can do it. My common sense changed. I could change myself.

If you want to change to an ideal person, you should be together with your ideal people.

I don’t say change your friends.
Spend much time to be with your ideal people.

That’s all.
Thank you.

May 14, 2014 Takanori Nakagome







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